# # OMv3CertCheck.ps1 # 1/2009 # # Update 2/2009 # Fixes for subjectname validation # Typos # Modification for CA chain validation # Adds needed check for MachineKeyStore property on the private key # # Update 7/2009 # Fix for workgroup machine subjectname validation # # Consider all certificates in the Local Machine "Personal" store $certs = [Array] (dir cert:\LocalMachine\my\) write-host "Checking that there are certs in the Local Machine Personal store..." if ($certs -eq $null) { Write-Host "There are no certs in the Local Machine `"Personal`" store." Write-Host "This is where the client authentication certificate should be imported." Write-Host "Check if certificates were mistakenly imported to the Current User" Write-Host "`"Personal`" store or the `"Operations Manager`" store." exit } write-host "Verifying each cert..." foreach ($cert in $certs) { write-host "`nExamining cert - Serial number $($cert.SerialNumber)" write-host "---------------------------------------------------" $pass = $true # Check subjectname $pass = &{ $fqdn = $env:ComputerName $fqdn += "." + [DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetComputerDomain().Name trap [DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.ActiveDirectoryObjectNotFoundException] { # Not part of a domain continue; } $fqdnRegexPattern = "CN=" + $fqdn.Replace(".","\.") + '(,.*)?$' if (!( $cert.SubjectName.Name -match $fqdnRegexPattern )) { Write-Host "Cert subjectname" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tThe SubjectName of this cert does not match the FQDN of this machine." Write-Host "`tActual - $($cert.SubjectName.Name)" Write-Host "`tExpected (case insensitive)- CN=$fqdn" $false } else { $true; Write-Host "Cert subjectname" -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black } } # Verify private key if (!( $cert.HasPrivateKey )) { Write-Host "Private key" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tThis certificate does not have a private key." Write-Host "`tVerify that proper steps were taken when installing this cert." $pass = $false } elseif (!($cert.PrivateKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.MachineKeyStore)) { Write-Host "Private key" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tThis certificate's private key is not issued to a machine account." Write-Host "`tOne possible cause of this is that the certificate" Write-Host "`twas issued to a user account rather than the machine," Write-Host "`tthen copy/pasted from the Current User store to the Local" Write-Host "`tMachine store. A full export/import is required to switch" Write-Host "`tbetween these stores." $pass = $false } else { Write-Host "Private key" -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black } # Check expiration dates if (($cert.NotBefore -gt [DateTime]::Now) -or ($cert.NotAfter -lt [DateTime]::Now)) { Write-Host "Expiration" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tThis certificate is not currently valid." Write-Host "`tIt will be valid between $($cert.NotBefore) and $($cert.NotAfter)" $pass = $false } else { Write-Host "Expiration" -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black } # Enhanced key usage extension $enhancedKeyUsageExtension = $cert.Extensions |? {$_.ToString() -match "X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension"} if ($enhancedKeyUsageExtension -eq $null) { Write-Host "Enhanced Key Usage Extension" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tNo enhanced key usage extension found.`n" $pass = $false } else { $usages = $enhancedKeyUsageExtension.EnhancedKeyUsages if ($usages -eq $null) { Write-Host "Enhanced Key Usage Extension" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tNo enhanced key usages found.`n" $pass = $false } else { $srvAuth = $cliAuth = $false foreach ($usage in $usages) { if ($usage.Value -eq "") { $srvAuth = $true} if ($usage.Value -eq "") { $cliAuth = $true} } if ((!$srvAuth) -or (!$cliAuth)) { Write-Host "Enhanced Key Usage Extension" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tEnhanced key usage extension does not meet requirements." Write-Host "`tRequired EKUs are and" Write-Host "`tEKUs found on this cert are:" $usages |%{ Write-Host "`t$($_.Value)" } $pass = $false } else { Write-Host "Enhanced Key Usage Extension" -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black } } } # KeyUsage extension $keyUsageExtension = $cert.Extensions |? {$_.ToString() -match "X509KeyUsageExtension"} if ($keyUsageExtension -eq $null) { Write-Host "Key Usage Extensions" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tNo key usage extension found." Write-Host "`tA KeyUsage extension matching 0xA0 (Digital Signature, Key Encipherment)" Write-Host "`tor better is required." $pass = $false } else { $usages = $keyUsageExtension.KeyUsages if ($usages -eq $null) { Write-Host "Key Usage Extensions" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tNo key usages found." Write-Host "`tA KeyUsage extension matching 0xA0 (DigitalSignature, KeyEncipherment)" Write-Host "`tor better is required." $pass = $false } else { if (($usages.value__ -band 0xA0) -ne 0xA0) { Write-Host "Key Usage Extensions" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tKey usage extension exists but does not meet requirements." Write-Host "`tA KeyUsage extension matching 0xA0 (Digital Signature, Key Encipherment)" Write-Host "`tor better is required." Write-Host "`tKeyUsage found on this cert matches:" Write-Host "`t$usages" $pass = $false } else { Write-Host "Key Usage Extensions" -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black } } } # KeySpec $keySpec = $cert.PrivateKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.KeyNumber if ($keySpec -eq $null) { Write-Host "KeySpec" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tKeyspec not found. A KeySpec of 1 is required" $pass = $false } elseif ($keySpec.value__ -ne 1) { Write-Host "KeySpec" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tKeyspec exists but does not meet requirements." Write-Host "`tA KeySpec of 1 is required." Write-Host "`tKeySpec for this cert: $($keySpec.value__)" $pass = $false } else {Write-Host "KeySpec" -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black} # Check that serial is written to proper reg $certSerial = $cert.SerialNumber $certSerialReversed = "" -1..-10 |% {$certSerialReversed += $certSerial[2*$_] + $certSerial[2*$_ + 1]} if (! (Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Machine Settings")) { Write-Host "Serial number written to registry" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tThe cert serial number is not written to registry." Write-Host "`tNeed to run MomCertImport.exe" $pass = $false } else { $regKeys = get-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Machine Settings" if ($regKeys.ChannelCertificateSerialNumber -eq $null) { Write-Host "Serial number written to registry" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tThe cert serial number is not written to registry." Write-Host "`tNeed to run MomCertImport.exe" $pass = $false } else { $regSerial = "" $regKeys.ChannelCertificateSerialNumber |% {$regSerial += $_.ToString("X2")} if ($regSerial -ne $certSerialReversed) { Write-Host "Serial number written to registry" -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tThe serial number written to the registry does not match this certificate" Write-Host "`tExpected registry entry: $certSerialReversed" Write-Host "`tActual registry entry: $regSerial" $pass = $false } else { Write-Host "Serial number written to registry" -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black } } } # Check that the cert's issuing CA is trusted (This is not technically required # as it is the remote machine cert's CA that must be trusted. Most users leverage # the same CA for all machines, though, so it's worth checking $chain = new-object Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain $chain.ChainPolicy.RevocationMode = 0 if ($chain.Build($cert) -eq $false ) { Write-Host "Certification chain" -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tThe following error occurred building a certification chain with this cert:" Write-Host "`t$($chain.ChainStatus[0].StatusInformation)" write-host "`tThis is an error if the certificates on the remote machines are issued" write-host "`tfrom this same CA - $($cert.Issuer)" write-host "`tPlease ensure the certificates for the CAs which issued the certificates configured" write-host "`ton the remote machines is installed to the Local Machine Trusted Root Authorities" write-host "`tstore on this machine." } else { $rootCaCert = $chain.ChainElements | select -property Certificate -last 1 $localMachineRootCert = dir cert:\LocalMachine\Root |? {$_ -eq $rootCaCert.Certificate} if ($localMachineRootCert -eq $null) { Write-Host "Certification chain" -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tThis certificate has a valid certification chain installed, but" Write-Host "`ta root CA certificate verifying the issuer $($cert.Issuer)" Write-Host "`twas not found in the Local Machine Trusted Root Authorities store." Write-Host "`tMake sure the proper root CA certificate is installed there, and not in" Write-Host "`tthe Current User Trusted Root Authorities store." } else { Write-Host "Certification chain" -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black Write-Host "`tThere is a valid certification chain installed for this cert," Write-Host "`tbut the remote machines' certificates could potentially be issued from" Write-Host "`tdifferent CAs. Make sure the proper CA certificates are installed" Write-Host "`tfor these CAs." } } if ($pass) { Write-Host "`n***This certificate is properly configured and imported for Ops Manager use.***" } }