Archive | SCOM

SCOM 2016 Scheduled Maintenance Mode won’t run if you picked a different database name during install

There is a bug in SCOM 2016 where if you choose a different Operations Manager Database Name during install, schedule maintenance mode won’t work!

The Jobs will run but nothing is put into Maintenance Mode. You won’t get an error in SCOM or in the event log.

As you can see below I named my “OperationsManager” Database “SCOMDB”

The stored procedure has ‘OperationsManager’ hard coded as the Database name so it fails!

The workaround is to change the stored procedure that creates these Schedules.

The stored procedure name is p_MaintenanceScheduleCreate

Right click Modify.

Find the line

	SET @SQLCommand = CONCAT('EXEC OperationsManager.dbo.p_MaintenanceScheduleJobStep ''', @ScheduleId, '''');


and change OperationsManager to your database name and click Execute

You will have to delete all your Schedules in the console.

Now they run without issue.

This is a known bug and will be fixed in SCOM 2016 UR3.





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Identify SCOM Agent Version from the file system on SCOM 2012 R2 and SCOM 2016 Agents

When writing my SCOM Agent Update MP  I needed a way to get the SCOM Agent version from the file system.  There is one file that gets updated in every Update Rollup.  OMAgentTraceTMFVer.Dll that is located where in the \Tools\TMF directory where you installed the scom agent.  In my case C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\Tools\TMF\OMAgentTraceTMFVer.Dll

I wrote this script to read the file version of this file to identify agent installed version.

Here is a similar VBscript that will pull that data. It works with SCOM 2012 R2 and SCOM 2016

Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sngVersion = objShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Setup\InstallDirectory")

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fileVer = objFSO.GetFileVersion(sngVersion & "Tools\TMF\" & "OMAgentTraceTMFVer.Dll")

select case fileVer
   case "7.1.10184.0"
      urVersion = "RTM"
      agentVersion = "2012 R2"
   case "7.1.10195.0"
      urVersion = "UR2"
      agentVersion = "2012 R2"
   case "7.1.10204.0"
      urVersion = "UR3"
      agentVersion = "2012 R2"
   case "7.1.10211.0"
      urVersion = "UR4"
      agentVersion = "2012 R2"
   case "7.1.10213.0"
      urVersion = "UR5"
      agentVersion = "2012 R2"
   case "7.1.10218.0"
      urVersion = "UR6"
      agentVersion = "2012 R2"
   case "7.1.10229.0"
      urVersion = "UR7"
      agentVersion = "2012 R2"
   case "7.1.10241.0"
      urVersion = "UR8"
      agentVersion = "2012 R2"
   case "7.1.10268.0"
      urVersion = "UR9"
      agentVersion = "2012 R2"
   case "7.1.10285.0"
      urVersion = "UR11"
      agentVersion = "2012 R2"
   case "8.0.10918.0"
      urVersion = "RTM"
      agentVersion = "2016"
   case "8.0.10931.0"
      urVersion = "UR1"
      agentVersion = "2016"   
case Else
      urVersion = "Unknown"
end select 

wscript.echo "Agent Version: " & agentVersion
wscript.echo "UR: " & urVersion


Here is the script in Powershell.   Modified from Kevin’s Agent Management Pack.

function URVersion($Version)
    # SCOM 2012
    "7.1.10184.0" {"2012 R2 RTM"} 
    "7.1.10195.0" {"2012 R2 UR2"} 
    "7.1.10204.0" {"2012 R2 UR3"} 
    "7.1.10211.0" {"2012 R2 UR4"} 
    "7.1.10213.0" {"2012 R2 UR5"} 
    "7.1.10218.0" {"2012 R2 UR6"} 
    "7.1.10229.0" {"2012 R2 UR7"} 
    "7.1.10241.0" {"2012 R2 UR8"} 
    "7.1.10268.0" {"2012 R2 UR9"} 
    "7.1.10285.0" {"2012 R2 UR11"} 
    "7.1.10292.0" {"2012 R2 UR12"} 
    "7.1.10302.0" {"2012 R2 UR13"} 
    "7.1.10305.0" {"2012 R2 UR14"} 				

    # SCOM 2016
    "8.0.10918.0" {"2016 RTM"} 
    "8.0.10931.0" {"2016 UR1"} 
    "8.0.10949.0" {"2016 UR2"} 
    "8.0.10970.0" {"2016 UR3"} 
    "8.0.10977.0" {"2016 UR4"} 				
$SCOMRegKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Setup"
$SCOMPath = (Get-ItemProperty $SCOMRegKey).InstallDirectory
$SCOMPath = $SCOMPath.TrimEnd("\")

$AgentURFile = Get-Item $SCOMPath\Tools\TMF\OMAgentTraceTMFVer.Dll
$AgentURFileVersion = $AgentURFile.VersionInfo.FileVersion
$AgentURLevel = URVersion $AgentURFileVersion


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Install and Uninstall SCOM 2012 R2 UR11 agent updates from a command line

A customer was building a SCCM package to update SCOM Agents.  They needed the command lines to install and uninstall UR11.

Patch Install command

msiexec.exe /p "C:\temp\KB3183990-AMD64-Agent.msp" /qn

Patch Uninstall Command

msiexec  /I {786970C5-E6F6-4A41-B238-AE25D4B91EEA} MSIPATCHREMOVE={1BEA7876-9751-4F7D-B0F3-AA920CF39FE8} /qn

The tricky part was getting the Uninstall GUID. You can get the GUID by using ORCA.

In ORCA load the msp file. Then go to View Summary Information.



They also needed a way to get the version information to know if it was installed or needed to be installed.

Here is a quick vbscript to get that information.


Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sngVersion = objShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Setup\InstallDirectory")

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fileVer = objFSO.GetFileVersion(sngVersion & "Tools\TMF\" & "OMAgentTraceTMFVer.Dll")

If fileVer = "7.1.10285.0" Then

 Wscript.echo "UR11 Installed"


Wscript.echo "Not Installed"

End If
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Stop the madness of having outdated SCOM Agents in your environment

I have seen many SCOM environments where it takes multiple teams to update a single SCOM Agent to the latest Update Rollup.   Often it takes months or even years to update all Agents to the latest Update Rollup.  I created two management packs to make it easy to keep all your agents up to date.  With these Management Packs your Application Admins, Server Admins or SCOM Admins can update their servers when they feel comfortable or have an open change window without requiring admin permissions.

Management Pack 1: Contoso Agent Update Rollup

Download: Link

  • Discovers all Agents and their Update Rollup version
  • Monitors and alerts if agents don’t have the latest Update Rollup
  • Task to install the Update Rollup.  Only permissions required is Operator with permission to run the task. 

Management Pack 2: (Optional) Contoso Agent Update Rollup FileDeploy

  • Deploys out latest Update Rollup to Servers.

Download: Link


Getting Started

Management Pack 1  (Contoso Agent Update Rollup)

1.) Install Contoso Agent Update Rollup Management Pack



2.) Download UR11 from here, extract and copy the msp file to a folder on one of your management servers or on a file server that you can set permissions on.


3.) Share out the file to all Domain Computers, or you can individually add each server you want to give access to the patch.




4.) Open up the SCOM console, a new folder called Contoso Update Rollup will now show up

Expand that folder and click on the State View.

You can see I have two servers in my environment.  One has UR11 installed and one that is still at RTM


5.) To install the update on one or more servers I select the servers and click the Task called “Install Update Rollup”


You can see the default is my file location.  You need this to be the location of the file you shared out.  Click override and enter the location of your update rollup patch file.  Make sure you add double quotes around the location.filelocation




Side Note: If you don’t want to do this every time.  You can modify the xml and re-import the mp.  Just search and replace for the line (Make sure you include double quotes) <Arguments>”\\xOM01\UR11\KB3183990-AMD64-Agent.msp”</Arguments>


6.) Verify everything is correct and click run.



The task will run and output the results.


7.) After about 10 minutes.  Go back and check the state view.  The server should now show the updated UR Version and File Version


Management Pack 2 (Optional) Contoso Agent Update Rollup FileDeploy

For those who are not able to or don’t want to create a share for all domain computers for security reasons.  I have another option.  This management pack will embed the update rollup file in a management pack and deploy it to the servers.  Then you can use the task in management pack 1 to update the agent with a file on the local system.

For legal reasons I have not included the management pack containing the update rollup, but I will include the project so you can quickly build your own.

How to build the Management Pack File

1.) Open the Solution by double clicking on the .sln file.  This will open the file in visual studio.



2.) Select the Resources folder.  Right click Add Existing Item.



3.) Pick the drop down to show all files.  Then browse to to where you have the Agent UR file located.


4.) Click on the file now and for Build Action choose Embedded Resource


5.) Check that the Contoso.Agent.UpdateRollup.FileDeploy.Resource.mpx file has the correct file name.  This may need to be changed if you are using a newer or older update rollup then UR11.


6.) Build the solution under Build, Build Solution



7.) Browse out to the build location.  You should see a file called Contoso.Agent.UpdateRollup.FileDeploy.mpb



8.) Import the MPB Management Pack into SCOM.

After 10 minutes check your agents to see if the file was deployed.


The default location is C:\Windows\Temp  *Note this can be changed directly in the MP’s XML or with an override to the rule called “Contoso Agent UpdateRollup File Deploy”

Now you can run the task in Management Pack 1 with the local file location.


















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Automatic Alert Resolution in SCOM

One of the more confusing screens in SCOM is the Automatic Alert Resolution settings screen.

The text is very vague as to what is does.  Kevin Holman recently updated his blog post to clearly identify what they mean.

You can read the excellent full post here.

To sum it up:

Resolve all active Alerts in the new resolution state after: =   “Resolve ALL alerts no matter what source (rule or monitor), as long as they haven’t been last modified within “30” days. (where 30 days is the default value)”

Resolve all active alerts when the alert source is healthy after:“Resolve all MONITOR based alerts where the targeted object has returned to a healthy state, and hasn’t been last modified within “7” days. (where 7 days is the default value)”







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How to Delete SCOM 2012 R2 Managed Computers using PowerShell


DeleteSCOMAgents.ps1 -MSServer "" -AgentComputerName "", ""


Download Script: Link



[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Core, Version=7.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35")
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager, Version=7.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35")

function New-Collection ( [type] $type ) 
	$typeAssemblyName = $type.AssemblyQualifiedName;
	$collection = new-object "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection``1[[$typeAssemblyName]]";
	return ,($collection);

# Connect to management group
Write-output "Connecting to management group"

$ConnectionSetting = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ManagementGroup($MSServer)
$admin = $ConnectionSetting.GetAdministration()

Write-output "Getting agent managed computers"
$agentManagedComputers = $admin.GetAllAgentManagedComputers()

# Get list of agents to delete
foreach ($name in $AgentComputerName) 
    Write-output "Checking for $name"
    foreach ($agent in $agentManagedComputers)
        if ($deleteCollection -eq $null) 
            $deleteCollection = new-collection $agent.GetType()

        if (@($agent.PrincipalName -eq $name))
	    Write-output "Matched $name"

if ($deleteCollection.Count -gt 0) 
    Write-output "Deleting agents"
    if($?){ Write-output "Agents deleted" }



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How I re-build my laptop in minutes vs hours using PowerShell and Chocolatey

I re-build my laptop about every 3 to 4 months.  The old way was to Install Windows 10, then eventually install software I had missing as I needed it. I wasted lots of time searching for, downloading and installing the many different apps I use daily.


The New Way with PowerShell and Chocolatey

    1. Install Windows 10
    2. Open up PowerShell as an administrator
    3. Set my PowerShell Execution Policy to Remote Signed
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
    1. Install Chocolatey from an elevated command prompt
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin



  1. Run my PowerShell Script to install the software I want


iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))

choco install googlechrome -y

choco install notepadplusplus.install -y

choco install 7zip.install -y

choco install rdcman -y

choco install greenshot -y

choco install adobereader -y

choco install vlc -y

choco install filezilla -y

choco install sysinternals -y

choco install putty -y

choco install winscp -y

choco install windirstat -y

choco install visualstudiocode -y



For more packages see the Chocolatey Gallery


I also install the SCOM console from my file server using PowerShell

$dwnld = "\\FileServer\Software\SCOM 2012 R2 RTM\Prerequisits"
if (!(Test-Path -path $dwnld))
 New-Item $dwnld -type directory

Write-Host "Downloading and installing SQLSysClrTypes prerequisite...." -ForegroundColor Magenta
Start-Sleep -s 5

msiexec /qb /i "$dwnld\SQLSysClrTypes.msi" | Out-Null

Write-Host "Checking download folder location exists...." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Start-Sleep -s 5

Write-Host "Downloading and installing ReportViewer prerequisite...." -ForegroundColor Magenta
Start-Sleep -s 5

msiexec /qb /i "$dwnld\ReportViewer.msi" | Out-Null

Write-Host "Downloading and installing ReportViewer prerequisite...." -ForegroundColor Magenta
Start-Sleep -s 5

#Install OM Console
msiexec /qb /i "$dwnld\OMConsole.msi" | Out-Null


Download my script: Link

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SCOM 2012 Maintenance Mode Scheduler Version 8

New Features in Version 8

  • STOP Maintenance Early – Now if you have a maintenance window that is completed early.  You can stop the job early by going to the manage page and clicking the Stop Maintenance Mode button.
  • NETBIOS Windows computers fixed – Fixed bug where windows servers that show up only with netbios names were not going into maintenance mode.
  • Improved Manage Page – Manage page now is simplified with less buttons.
Download Now


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Scheduling Clusters into Maintenance Mode

How so Schedule Clusters for Maintenance Mode

Go to the Class Page

Under Class type in Windows Cluster

Windows Cluster


Select the cluster you want to schedule for Maintenance Mode.  In this case I select clus1



Set your Start Time, End Time and Recurrence etc..

Click the Schedule Button

Verify the entire cluster went into maintenance mode.


Windows Computers Node1 and Node2





Cluster Service State


Cluster State


Cluster Node State


Resource Group State


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